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In today's high pressure rush around the World we sometimes lose sight of the fact that we are marvellous beings who have the power of choice.  We can choose to live a life on our terms, we owe it to ourselves

take control of



In Britain today there are some 64 million people all running around thinking and those 64 million thoughts at any time are shaping 64 million dramas and helping to create 64 million destinies. Now I ask you this question with all those thoughts trying to control things is it any wonder that the UK is in such a turbulent mess? 

become more


You can bring mindfulness into your day at any time when you're awake. It is a skill that is often associated with meditation, but it's not just practiced when sitting silently..

Being more engaged in the present moment can lead to a richer experience of the things that might otherwise pass us by while we are wrapped up in thoughts about the past or thinking about what we are doing next. For example noticing the leaves dancing on a tree, a bird soaring in the wind, the smell of new blossom, the colour of the sky or the smile on the face of someone as they pass by


Mindfulness can benefit our relationships with others, and so perhaps can benefit our communities. Training in mindfulness increases empathy and levels of compassion towards others.

Like the growing evidence of the benefits of mindfulness for our health and happiness, there is also increasing evidence for the role the natural environment plays in our well-being.


I suspect there is a strong connection between being more mindful of our environment, taking care of it, wellbeing and happiness

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Move to achieve.


When it comes to success, a person needs to be able to achieve Personal Motivation


Personal Motivation is what drives us internally and externally towards success in whatever area we seek that success.


We need to set goals for ourselves - they have to be realinstic, achievable - a possible gain.  




Living the dream is just pure consciousness.

Whilst we are involved in our personal dreams sometimes we can miss life’s dream as well.


Living the dream is a place of utter and limitless compassion – the minute we have a hang-up we are stepping outside of life’s real dream.


There are many paths to peace but to realise that peace is what we are, we can step back into enjoying looking at a chair or a blank wall and exploring the fact that this is just a cartoon life, the whole divine comedy is there!


In the world of the dream there are dragons, princesses, & good people.  We can be many characters in that dream.  


Life is the stuff of dreams.  We don’t have to believe everything that is in print!


There is no point spending your life rushing from marker post to marker post, because the real discoveries are often made between the posts.


Heaven is the head of the pin

Without integrity nothing is important!


The ego often gets in the way of the real dream


Dreams when awakened are miraculous

Dave Baxter M.A.S.C. (lifecoach)

"It felt strange blurting all that stuff out to you but I really did need some help!"


Davina Fitzpatrick




"I found working with Dave very inspiring and helpful. Even the first session was a breakthrough in many ways."


Anna Siemaszko


"Your calming and focused approach to the future has opened up a very different attitude for me to move forward with and for that I thank you deeply."


John Richard Trigg




"You were the greatest help to me at a very dark time, indeed. You singlehandedly, whether you know it or not, pulled me out, and no words would ever express how thankful i am for that."


Your friend Emma


"I was astounded to realise the effect a coaching session with Dave had on me! 


It was as if a blindfold had been removed from my eyes and I could see for the first time, with amazing clarity, my destination in life"


Child Minder Linda Roper



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